In the previous blogs it was established that it could get very overwhelming to select the best podcasts out of so many given options on the internet. Hence, this blog will help you break down areas that you could start with to get interesting insights and explore interests that you may have never considered. Melting Pot, covers all these areas which can be checked out on the links given below.
Apple Podcasts:
Google Podcasts:
Here are the categories you should lookout for.
There is so much more to food than just taste. Food in itself is a form of story. It communicates the idea of a culture, historical background, nutrition value, ingredients involved and so much more. Food podcasts over the last couple of years have increasingly gained popularity and have inspired so many people across the world to enter into the food industry. From becoming chefs to experimenting with ingredients to start a business, this category helps people understand the field better through experiences of established professionals from the food industry and gives an opportunity to observe their lives from a closer view. Some food related podcasts covered by Melting Pot are good examples to start with.
We live in an age where health is one of the most significant and universal areas of discussion. Regardless of the country we belong to, people are constantly sharing information about what can be done to lead a ‘healthy’ life. But we often forget that a lot of this information is either twisted or incomplete. Hence, podcasts with the people from the health industry helps understand the right kind of practice, medicine and so much more which we may not find anywhere else. Most importantly people who are looking to enter the health industry as a professional, these podcasts give them the realistic timeline and understanding of various options from people who have had years of practice in the health industry.
Health here not only includes people practicing medicine or dealing with physical injuries, but also holistic living and mental health. With growing stress levels and people coming out about the mental traumas they suffer, it is very important to speak and consume the right kind of content. Podcasts allow this information and experiences to be passed on to people who may deal with the same issues or would want to know more. The credibility and authenticity of the source determines the kind of impact it creates and podcasts are the best way to understand the same.
Entrepreneurship is an exciting topic in today’s time. With so many startups and the rise of multinational corporations, there are multiple insights and experiences that help individuals set up their own ventures. But there are so many people, who may not have any experience, no support or guidance from friends and family and may struggle with knowing what is the right thing to do? Podcasts help majorly to learn from experiences of people who failed multiple times, learned through the process, are now successful and have mastered the art of implementing business strategies.Especially for young individuals, podcasts are a great way of learning and entering into the business world with the knowledge of the do’s and don’ts learnt through the form of storytelling.
People often lack direction as to how they could make a living out of their passion for singing, dancing, acting etc. Often left as a hobby and an escape from their ‘real’ job, there are so many people who hold the patience to make a big name in the entertainment industry. With this passion, also come may misconceptions and stereotypes. Podcasts with people from the entertainment industry help us understand what it takes to be successful and the kind of challenges one faces to achieve greater heights.
We all know that every job requires efforts to achieve success. However the entertainment field has added challenges across the world. Be it any kind of genre or art form, people from the entertainment industry are often misjudged due to misinterpreted information by the media. Podcasts are a way to understand the lives and work of people from this field, further giving insights of the possibilities of fulfilling dreams in this field.
With the growing population and increasing demand of the internet, technology has taken over the world like never before! With each passing day we get to know about so many experiments and inventions that keeping up to the current news has become extremely challenging. However, we are still aware of what kinds of advancement are taking place.
But what about the people who create this magic? People, who put years to make life comfortable for people across the world. What about them? Who are these people?
Podcasts help us dig deep into the lives of these individuals and what motivates them to keep going in the field of technology. Moreover, podcasts also help an interested individual to understand the logic, reasons and intentions behind a particular invention or product which may not be available on news platforms or books.
These categories may look very broad but the idea is that there should be a starting point.
And your starting point could be Melting Pot where we cover more than 8 categories of different podcasts from
people across the world.